Hallo, Leute,
wenn ich es nicht selbst ausprobiert hätte, würde ich es nicht glauben:
Folgendes Phänomen tritt bei mir auf, wenn ich über (U)EFI starte und dabei Windows und Ubuntu auf der Platte habe (reproduziert nachvollziehbar beim originalen /var/linbo/examples/start.conf.windows10-ubuntu-efi):
Zunächst mal „verrechnet“ sich linbo, wenn ich den Menüpunkt „Partitionierung“ auswähle, sobald ich im Linbo-Imaging angekommen bin.
Gewünscht ist:
- EFI 2. MSR 3. NTFS-windows 4. Ubuntu 5. Cache 6. Swap
Es legt brav an:
- EFI … 2. MSR… 3. dann den Swap (!), dann 4. NTFS-Windows, dann 5. Ubuntu, dann 6. den Cache
ich habe dann Schritt für Schritt erst drei Partitionen anlegen lassen (1-3) - ok, dann 1-4 - ok, dann, sobald der swap ins Spiel kommt, wird der wieder mitten reingeschoben.
Zum Spaß habe ich statt des Swap eine normale ext4-Partition anlegen lassen - alles ok !
Und jetzt kommts:
Wenn man statt des Labels „swap“ „swappy“ nimmt (oder auch irgend etwas anderes, z.B. „schlumpf“), wird der Swap (als Dateisystem-Swap, also korrekt !) als fünfte GPT-Partition angelegt (mit Fstype = swap und ID = 82 also).
Hammer, oder ? Man sollte also den swap nicht als swap labeln, dann ist alles gut …
Christoph Gü
Zum Nachmachen:
Version, in der die Fehler passieren:
[LINBO] # global section
Server = # linbo server ip address
Group = icorenew
Cache = /dev/sda5 # cache partition
RootTimeout = 600 # logout from admin console after 600 secs
AutoPartition = no # no partition repair during LINBO startup
AutoFormat = no # no formatting of all partitions during LINBO startup
AutoInitCache = no # no initial cache setup during LINBO startup
DownloadType = torrent # image download method (torrent|multicast|rsync)
BackgroundFontColor = white # font color of status section (default: white)
ConsoleFontColorStdout = lightgreen # console font color (default: white)
ConsoleFontColorStderr = orange # console error font color (default: red)
SystemType = efi64 # possible values: bios|bios64|efi32|efi64 (default: bios)
# KernelOptions = quiet splash # linbo kernel options, space separated
KernelOptions = nomodeset dhcpretry=18
#KernelOptions = acpi=noirq irqpoll # linbo kernel options example for use with acpi problems
#KernelOptions = server= # different pxe server ip, (needs device import to be activated)
[Partition] # efi system partition
Dev = /dev/sda1 # device name of the partition
Label = efi # partition label
Size = 200M # partition size 200M, will use kiB if no unit (M, G or T) is set
Id = ef # partition id (ef = efi)
FSType = vfat # filesystem vfat
Bootable = yes # set bootable flag yes
[Partition] # microsoft reserved partition
Dev = /dev/sda2 # device name of the partition
Label = msr # partition label
Size = 128M # partition size 128M
Id = 0c01 # partition id (0c01 = msr)
FSType = # no filesystem
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (operating system)
Dev = /dev/sda3 # device name of the partition
Label = windows # partition label
Size = 16G # partition size 50G, will use kiB if no unit (M, G or T) is set
Id = 7 # partition id (7 = ntfs)
FSType = ntfs # filesystem ntfs
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (operating system)
Dev = /dev/sda4 # device name of the partition
Label = ubuntu # partition label
Size = 19G # partition size 30G
Id = 83 # partition id (83 = linux)
FSType = ext4 # filesystem ext4
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (cache)
Dev = /dev/sda5 # device name of the partition
Label = Cache # partition label
Size = 11G # partition size 80G
Id = 83 # partition id (83 = linux)
FSType = ext4 # filesystem ext4
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (swap)
Dev = /dev/sda6 # device name of the partition
Label = swap # partition label
Size = 7G # partition size 8G
Id = 82 # partition id (82 = swap)
FSType = swap # filesystem swap
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (data)
Label = data # partition label
Dev = /dev/sda7 # device name of the partition
Size = # partition size (no value = remaining space of the disk)
Id = 7 # partition id (7 = ntfs)
FSType = ntfs # filesystem ntfs
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
# Betriebssystemdefinitionen ....
Version, in der die Partitionen stimmen:
[LINBO] # global section
Server = # linbo server ip address
Group = icorenew
Cache = /dev/sda5 # cache partition
RootTimeout = 600 # logout from admin console after 600 secs
AutoPartition = no # no partition repair during LINBO startup
AutoFormat = no # no formatting of all partitions during LINBO startup
AutoInitCache = no # no initial cache setup during LINBO startup
DownloadType = torrent # image download method (torrent|multicast|rsync)
BackgroundFontColor = white # font color of status section (default: white)
ConsoleFontColorStdout = lightgreen # console font color (default: white)
ConsoleFontColorStderr = orange # console error font color (default: red)
SystemType = efi64 # possible values: bios|bios64|efi32|efi64 (default: bios)
# KernelOptions = quiet splash # linbo kernel options, space separated
KernelOptions = nomodeset dhcpretry=18
#KernelOptions = acpi=noirq irqpoll # linbo kernel options example for use with acpi problems
#KernelOptions = server= # different pxe server ip, (needs device import to be activated)
[Partition] # efi system partition
Dev = /dev/sda1 # device name of the partition
Label = efi # partition label
Size = 200M # partition size 200M, will use kiB if no unit (M, G or T) is set
Id = ef # partition id (ef = efi)
FSType = vfat # filesystem vfat
Bootable = yes # set bootable flag yes
[Partition] # microsoft reserved partition
Dev = /dev/sda2 # device name of the partition
Label = msr # partition label
Size = 128M # partition size 128M
Id = 0c01 # partition id (0c01 = msr)
FSType = # no filesystem
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (operating system)
Dev = /dev/sda3 # device name of the partition
Label = windows # partition label
Size = 16G # partition size 50G, will use kiB if no unit (M, G or T) is set
Id = 7 # partition id (7 = ntfs)
FSType = ntfs # filesystem ntfs
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (operating system)
Dev = /dev/sda4 # device name of the partition
Label = ubuntu # partition label
Size = 19G # partition size 30G
Id = 83 # partition id (83 = linux)
FSType = ext4 # filesystem ext4
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (cache)
Dev = /dev/sda5 # device name of the partition
Label = Cache # partition label
Size = 11G # partition size 80G
Id = 83 # partition id (83 = linux)
FSType = ext4 # filesystem ext4
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (swap)
Dev = /dev/sda6 # device name of the partition
Label = lurch # partition label
Size = 7G # partition size 8G
Id = 82 # partition id (82 = swap)
FSType = swap # filesystem swap
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
[Partition] # partition section (data)
Label = data # partition label
Dev = /dev/sda7 # device name of the partition
Size = # partition size (no value = remaining space of the disk)
Id = 7 # partition id (7 = ntfs)
FSType = ntfs # filesystem ntfs
Bootable = no # set bootable flag no
# Betriebssystemdefinitionen ....