Useranmeldung mit global-admin in d'Selma

Ich habe server neuinstalliert (mehrmals), auch mit d’Selma (webUI wizard) und auch mit shell wizard. Aber ich kann nur als root anmelden, global-admin kann ich nicht benutzen.

Ich habe folgende Fehlermeldung in /var/log/ajenti/ajenti.log
2019-08-22 13:20:48,769 ERROR : ‚binddn‘

Weisst jemand was die Ursache ist?

Etwas ahnliches ist auch hier, aber kein Losung. Useranmeldung in d'Selma hakt

Und ich weiss nich ob es damit etwas hat, aber ich kann nicht client in Linbo registrieren - ich habe registration in WebUI, aber client zeigt immer „pxeclient“

Hallo Paul,

Und ich weiss nich ob es damit etwas hat, aber ich kann nicht client in
Linbo registrieren - ich habe registration in WebUI, aber client zeigt
immer „pxeclient“

bitte ruf mal auf der serverkonsole folgenden Befehl auf:


Viele Grüße


Hallo Paul,

Ich habe server neuinstalliert (mehrmals),

wie hast du ihn den installiert?
Die bereitgestellten .ovas importiert?
Oder ein „Vanilla Install“?
Hatte der Server vor dem Prepair Internetverbindung?
Wurde er vorher upgedatet?
Wurde vor dem setup updates eingespielt?

auch mit d’Selma (webUI
wizard) und auch mit shell wizard. Aber ich kann nur als root anmelden,
global-admin kann ich nicht benutzen.

Ich habe folgende Fehlermeldung in /var/log/ajenti/ajenti.log
2019-08-22 13:20:48,769 ERROR : ‚binddn‘

Weisst jemand was die Ursache ist?

wenn nur root geht, dann ist die AD wohl noch nicht bereit.
Ich nehme also an, dass das setup nicht sauber durchgelaufen ist.



Ich habe XVA images benutzt.
Soll ich die images vorher updaten?
Und ja, es konnte sein, dass setup nicht sauber durchgelaufen ist, weil in WebGUI habe ich kein Bestatigung gehabt, aber mit console, alles ist success. Aber die console setup braucht kein global-admin Passwort.

Ich habe LMN neugestartet von Snapshot. Das ist genau als downloaded.
Mein Netzwerk ist default 10.0.0.x, LMN is
Ich benutze OPSI, docker und email server nicht.

Aber ich kann nicht anmelden anders als root. Das ist meine Console von LMN

Ich wollte auch fragen ob mein Deutsch klar ist, oder ware es besser English benutzen?

login as: root
root@'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-55-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

 System information disabled due to load higher than 2.0

0 Software-Pakete können aktualisiert werden.
0 Aktualisierungen sind Sicherheitsaktualisierungen.

Last login: Sat Jul 27 14:10:47 2019
root@server:~# linuxmuster-setup --schoolname=ZSSena --location=Sena --state=Kosicky-Vorpommern --country=sk --adminpw=Muster!
#### linuxmuster-setup startet at 2019-08-26 10:37:46                     ####
Processing commandline arguments.
#### ini                                                                  ####
#### Reading /usr/share/linuxmuster/setupdefaults.ini .......... Success! ####
#### Reading /var/lib/linuxmuster/prepare.ini .................. Success! ####
#### Reading /var/cache/linuxmuster/custom.ini ................. Success! ####
#### * Domainname ....................................... linuxmuster.lan ####
#### * Servername ................................................ server ####
#### * Server-IP ............................................... ####
#### * Bitmask ....................................................... 16 ####
#### * DHCP range ............................... ####
#### * Firewall IP ........................................... ####
#### * Dockerhost IP ........................................... not set! ####
#### * Mailserver IP ........................................... not set! ####
#### Writing setup ini file .................................... Success! ####
#### general-dialog                                                       ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! #### 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lan
 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lanqqqqqqqqqqqqk
       x Enter the hostname of the main server:                       x
       x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
       x xserver                                                    x x
       x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x               <   OK    >        <Abbrechen>                 x

Server hostname: server
Netbios name: SERVER 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lan
 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lanqqqqqqqqqqqqk
       x Note that the first part of the domain name is used          x
       x automatically as samba domain (maximal 15 characters using   x
       x a-z and -). Use a prepending linuxmuster if your domain has  x
       x more characters. Enter the internet domain name:             x
       x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
       x xlinuxmuster.lan                                           x x
       x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x               <   OK    >        <Abbrechen>                 x

Domain name: linuxmuster.lan
BaseDN: DC=linuxmuster,DC=lan
Sambadomain: LINUXMUSTER 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lan
 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lanqqqqqqqqqqqqk
       x Enter the two ip addresses for the free dhcp range (space    x
       x separated):                                                  x
       x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
       x x10.0.0.100                                     x x
       x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x               <   OK    >        <Abbrechen>                 x

DHCP range: 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lan
 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lanqqqqqqqqqqqqk
       x Enter the ip address of the opsi server (optional):          x
       x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
       x x                                                          x x
       x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x               <   OK    >        <Abbrechen>                 x

Opsi ip: 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lan
 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lanqqqqqqqqqqqqk
       x Enter the ip address of the docker host (optional):          x
       x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
       x x                                                          x x
       x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x               <   OK    >        <Abbrechen>                 x

Docker host ip: 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lan
 qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lanqqqqqqqqqqqqk
       x Enter the ip address of the mail server (optional):          x
       x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
       x x               ( )           no mailserver                x x
       x x               ( )  use server ip                x x
       x x                                                          x x
       x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x                                                              x
       x               <   OK    >        <Abbrechen>                 x

Mail ip: 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lan

 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lanqqqqqqqqk
         x Enter the Administrator password (Note: Input will be    x
         x unvisible!). Minimal length is 7 characters. Use upper   x
         x and lower and special characters or numbers (e.g.        x
         x mUster!):                                                x
         x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
         x x*******                                               x x
         x             <   OK    >       <Abbrechen>                x
         mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lan

 7: Setup for server.linuxmuster.lanqqqqqqqqk
         x Re-enter the Administrator password:                     x
         x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x
         x x*******                                               x x
         x mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj x
         x                                                          x
         x                                                          x
         x             <   OK    >       <Abbrechen>                x

Administrator password: Muster!
#### Writing input to setup ini file ........................... Success! ####
#### Setting root password ..................................... Success! ####
#### templates                                                            ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### Processing config templates:                                         ####
#### * subnets.csv ............................................. Success! ####
#### * dhcpd.conf .............................................. Success! ####
#### * devices.csv ............................................. Success! ####
#### * dhcpd.devices.conf ...................................... Success! ####
#### * linux-login.script ...................................... Success! ####
#### * ntp.conf ................................................ Success! ####
#### * smb.conf.admin .......................................... Success! ####
#### * dhcpd.subnets.conf ...................................... Success! ####
#### * rsyncd.conf ............................................. Success! ####
#### * nsswitch.conf ........................................... Success! ####
#### * smb.conf ................................................ Success! ####
#### * cupsd.conf .............................................. Success! ####
#### * dhcpd.custom.conf ....................................... Success! ####
#### Network setup ............................................. Success! ####
#### Adjusting server time .......................... 2019-08-26 10:39:18 ####
#### fstab                                                                ####
#### Modifying mount options for / ............................. Success! ####
#### Remounting / .............................................. Success! ####
#### ssl                                                                  ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### Creating private CA key & certificate ..................... Success! ####
#### Creating private server key & certificate ..................Success! ####
#### Creating private firewall key & certificate ................Success! ####
#### Creating private mail key & certificate ....................Success! ####
#### Creating private docker key & certificate ..................Success! ####
#### Creating private opsi key & certificate ....................Success! ####
#### Ensure key and certificate permissions .................... Success! ####
#### ssh                                                                  ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### Creating ssh keys:                                                   ####
#### * dsa host key ............................................ Success! ####
#### * dsa root key ............................................ Success! ####
#### * ecdsa host key .......................................... Success! ####
#### * ecdsa root key .......................................... Success! ####
#### * ed25519 host key ........................................ Success! ####
#### * ed25519 root key ........................................ Success! ####
#### * rsa host key ............................................ Success! ####
#### * rsa root key ............................................ Success! ####
#### Restarting ssh service .................................... Success! ####
#### samba-provisioning                                                   ####
#### Stopping samba services ................................... Success! ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### Generating AD admin password .............................. Success! ####
#### Provisioning samba ........................................ Success! ####
#### Provisioning krb5 ......................................... Success! ####
#### Enabling samba services ................................... Success! ####
#### Backing up samba .......................................... Success! ####
#### Provisioning sophomorix samba schema ...................... Success! ####
#### Fixing resolv.conf ........................................ Success! ####
#### Exchanging smb.conf ....................................... Success! ####
#### Starting samba ad dc service .............................. Success! ####
#### samba-users                                                          ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### Calculating random passwords .............................. Success! ####
#### Backing up samba .......................................... Success! ####
#### Creating share for default-school.......................... Success! ####
#### Creating samba account for global-admin ................... Success! ####
#### Creating samba account for global-binduser ................ Success! ####
#### No expiry for administrative passwords .................... Success! ####
#### Creating ou for default-school............................. Success! ####
#### Add firewall as dns forwarder ............................. Success! ####
#### add-server                                                           ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### Creating device entries for:                                         ####
#### * server ................................ ea:c4:59:b4:3a:b0 ####
#### * firewall ............................ 9A:AC:EA:82:EE:F5 ####
#### firewall                                                             ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### Calculating radius secret ................................. Success! ####
#### Downloading firewall configuration:                                  ####
#### * Download finished successfully.                                    ####
#### * Backing up .............................................. Success! ####
#### * Reading current config .................................. Success! ####
#### * Reading certificates & ssh key .......................... Success! ####
#### * Creating xml configuration file ......................... Success! ####
#### * Saving api credentials .................................. Success! ####
#### Uploading firewall configuration:                                    ####
#### * Upload finished successfully.                                      ####
#### Executing ssh command on                                 ####
#### * -> "/bin/sh /tmp/"                                       ####
#### * SSH connection successfully established.                           ####
#### * Execution finished successfully.                                   ####
#### linbo                                                                ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### Creating rsync secrets file ............................... Success! ####
#### Providing server ip to linbo start.conf files ............. Success! ####
#### Activating bittorrent tracker ............................. Success! ####
#### Activating linbo-bittorrent service ....................... Success! ####
#### Reconfiguring linbo (may take a while) .................... Success! ####
#### opsi                                                                 ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
#### mail                                                                 ####
#### Reading setup data ........................................ Success! ####
Bundle certificate for webui
Run Sophomorix-UI to add permissions
* WebUI Setup Success!
#### final                                                                ####
#### Disabling service iscsid .................................. Success! ####
#### Disabling service dropbear ................................ Success! ####
#### Disabling service lxcfs ................................... Success! ####
#### Starting device import .................................... Success! ####
#### Starting subnets import ................................... Success! ####
#### linuxmuster-setup finished at 2019-08-26 11:05:34                    ####

Hallo Paul,

dein deutsch ist tadellos :slight_smile:

Sehe ich das richtig, dass während des setup das Passwort des
global-admin nicht abgefragt wurde, sondern du es nur beim Aufruf des
Setup mitgegeben hast?

Woher stammt den deine INstallation.
Ist das eine ova importiert?
Oder hast du einen vanilla install gemacht?
Wie hast du virtualisiert?

VIele Grüße


Hallo Holger,
Ich benutze XCP-ng und XVA images von
Das passwort war auch auch wahrand des Setup gefraght und es auch in dem Command hier gegeben wurde

linuxmuster-setup --schoolname=ZSSena --location=Sena --state=Kosicky-Vorpommern --country=sk --adminpw=Muster!

Ich habe den server updated und versuche es nochmal…

Hallo Paul,

Ich habe den server updated und versuche es nochmal…

„nochmal“ geht eigentlich nicht.
Hast du vorher die ova. nochmal frisch importiert?

Das Vorgehen sollte so sein:

  1. ovas importieren
  2. updaten
  3. linuxmuster-prepair ausführen
  4. updaten
  5. linuxmuster-setup ausführen

Ich führe linuxmuster-setup immer ohne Parameter aus und gebe alles
während der Abfragen ein.
Versuch es mal so.



Danke. Ich versuche es.
Und was ist linuxmuster-prepair? Dieses befehl ist nicht gefunden…
EDIT: habe es als linuxmuster-prepare indentifiert :slight_smile:
Ich habe linuxmuster-prepare -p „server“ -e benutzt…

Kein Erfolg. Das selbe error in ajenti log: ERROR : ‚binddn‘
Ist da ein Untershied zwischen apt-get upgrade und linuxmuster-distupgrade?

Wie kann ich versuchen ob Samba funkzioniert (Samba hat ein LDAP/AD, so wenn es nicht funkzioniert kann ich nicht anmelden - dass ist meine Teorie). SMB share von Windows \ funkzioniert nich, und smbstatus sagt:

/var/run/samba/locking.tdb not initialised
This is normal if an SMB client has never connected to your server.

Hallo Paul,

Kein Erfolg. Das selbe error in ajenti log: ERROR : ‚binddn‘

kein Erfolg womit?



Ich kann mich als global-admin nicht anmelden. Nur root funkzioniert.

Ich glaube dass Samba4 funkzioniert nich korrekt:

Command line::
Option json is a modifier option
Hmmh. do not know what to do with option info
Option verbose is a modifier option * forcing info mode
Option combinations successfully checked

No connection to Samba4 AD!

Use of uninitialized value $json in numeric eq (==) at /usr/share/perl5/Sophomorix/ line 4670.
Calling console printout
ERROR -1: No connection to Samba4 AD!

Hallo Paul,

Ich kann mich als global-admin nicht anmelden. Nur root funkzioniert.

so meinte ich das nicht, sondern:
was hast du gemacht, was keinen Erfolg gebracht hat?
Hast du die ovas neu importiert und nach meinen Anweisungen bespielt?



Ja, ich habe ein snapshot und habe ich den benutzt und alled nach deinen Anweisung gemacht. Aber jetzt werde ich lmn7.server.xva neu importieren und noch einmals alles versuchen.

Hallo Holger,
es hat funkzioniert. Ich habe alles neu importiert und folgende ausgefuhrt:
linuxmuster-prepare -p „server“ -e
linuxmuster-setup (with defaults)


um den Tread ordentlich zu beenden: es fehlten wohl die Updates vor dem linuxmuster-setup.
Deswegen lief das setup nicht Fehlerfrei durch und die Domäne wurde nicht ordentlich zuendekonfiguriert…
