die Browser-Konsole liefert ziemlich viel, wenn die Meldung kommt, dass NC Office nicht geladen werden konnte:
[NoScript]:0 Prompt Hook installation https://madita.afs-engen.de/index.php/apps/files/ [log.js:32:13](moz-extension://d247821d-3ad5-478e-9194-4dc4629f9bd8/nscl/common/log.js)
OCA.Files.Sidebar initialized [sidebar.js:39:8](webpack:///nextcloud/apps/files/src/sidebar.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/@nextcloud/axios/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
OCA.Comments.View initialized [comments-app.js:32:8](webpack:///nextcloud/apps/comments/src/comments-app.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack://sualko/cloud_bbb/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [major.js:2:14](webpack:///node_modules/semver/functions/major.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/@nextcloud/axios/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
OCA.Sharing.ShareSearch initialized [ShareSearch.js:33:10](webpack:///nextcloud/apps/files_sharing/src/services/ShareSearch.js)
OCA.Sharing.ExternalLinkActions initialized [ExternalLinkActions.js:33:10](webpack:///nextcloud/apps/files_sharing/src/services/ExternalLinkActions.js)
OCA.Sharing.ExternalShareActions initialized [ExternalShareActions.js:33:10](webpack:///nextcloud/apps/files_sharing/src/services/ExternalShareActions.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/@nextcloud/axios/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
The `name` prop is required. Please migrate away from the deprecated `title` prop. 2 [NcAppNavigationItem.js:2:168848](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcAppNavigationItem.js)
[WARN] viewer: Some mimes were ignored because they are not enabled in the server previews config
Object { app: "viewer", uid: "cloudadmin", level: 2, ignoredMimes: (3) […] }
OCA.Viewer initialized [Viewer.js:52:7](webpack:///viewer/src/services/Viewer.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///richdocuments/node_modules/@nextcloud/logger/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///richdocuments/node_modules/@nextcloud/logger/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/@nextcloud/axios/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
Diese Seite verwendet die nicht standardisierte Eigenschaft "zoom". Stattdessen sollte calc() in den entsprechenden Eigenschaftswerten oder "transform" zusammen mit "transform-origin: 0 0" verwendet werden. [inject.js:57:30](moz-extension://dcd1f8a2-acdc-4a09-b2af-5c7c1a00a5cc/public/js/inject.js)
session heartbeat polling started [session-heartbeat.js:103:9](webpack:///nextcloud/core/src/session-heartbeat.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///notifications/node_modules/@nextcloud/notify_push/node_modules/@nextcloud/auth/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
Registering notifications container as a menu [NotificationsApp.vue:219](webpack:///notifications/src/NotificationsApp.vue)
Notifications permissions granted [NotificationsApp.vue:453](webpack:///notifications/src/NotificationsApp.vue)
Polling interval updated to 30000 [NotificationsApp.vue:416](webpack:///notifications/src/NotificationsApp.vue)
Started background fetcher as session_keepalive is enabled [NotificationsApp.vue:275](webpack:///notifications/src/NotificationsApp.vue)
Got notification data, restoring default polling interval. [NotificationsApp.vue:376](webpack:///notifications/src/NotificationsApp.vue)
[tiptap warn]: "@tiptap/extension-collaboration" comes with its own history support and is not compatible with "@tiptap/extension-history". [index.js:16:12](webpack:///text/node_modules/@tiptap/extension-collaboration/dist/index.js)
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
File info for /Dokumente/About.odt fetched
Object { filename: Getter & Setter, basename: Getter & Setter, lastmod: Getter & Setter, size: Getter & Setter, type: Getter & Setter, etag: Getter & Setter, mime: Getter & Setter, getlastmodified: Getter & Setter, getcontenttype: Getter & Setter, resourcetype: Getter & Setter, … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 28, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": [], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 28, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": [], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 28, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": [], … }
Content-Security-Policy: 'x-frame-options' wird wegen 'frame-ancestors'-Direktive ignoriert.
Content-Security-Policy: Ignorieren von "'unsafe-inline'" innerhalb script-src: nonce-source oder hash-source angegeben [index](https://madita.afs-engen.de/index.php/apps/richdocuments/index?fileId=16&requesttoken=DOae4Hf6eJj6kSMPobL0lesG%2FqhRJtmKJje57jUT81o%3D%3ANYv6px2tLv6yoEdf4tfC%2Bt1vn%2FgdSOGySl7IlA1UsGM%3D&path=%2FDokumente%2FAbout.odt)
[NoScript]:0 Prompt Hook installation https://madita.afs-engen.de/index.php/apps/richdocuments/index?fileId=16&requesttoken=DOae4Hf6eJj6kSMPobL0lesG%2FqhRJtmKJje57jUT81o%3D%3ANYv6px2tLv6yoEdf4tfC%2Bt1vn%2FgdSOGySl7IlA1UsGM%3D&path=%2FDokumente%2FAbout.odt [log.js:32:13](moz-extension://d247821d-3ad5-478e-9194-4dc4629f9bd8/nscl/common/log.js)
Content-Security-Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das Laden einer Ressource auf inline blockiert ("script-src"). [content-script-start.js:7796:11](moz-extension://e37a7593-b285-460e-a21c-3e4b3efc0a7b/pages/content-script-start.js)
Content-Security-Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das Laden einer Ressource auf inline blockiert ("script-src"). [gaoptout.js:1:322](moz-extension://91130c2e-7295-4af2-b54f-cf9356b90019/gaoptout.js)
Content-Security-Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das Laden einer Ressource auf data: blockiert ("media-src"). [index](https://madita.afs-engen.de/index.php/apps/richdocuments/index?fileId=16&requesttoken=DOae4Hf6eJj6kSMPobL0lesG%2FqhRJtmKJje57jUT81o%3D%3ANYv6px2tLv6yoEdf4tfC%2Bt1vn%2FgdSOGySl7IlA1UsGM%3D&path=%2FDokumente%2FAbout.odt)
Content-Security-Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das Laden einer Ressource auf inline blockiert ("script-src"). [utils.js:42:9](moz-extension://763dd685-2225-438f-8518-453d5f5ba909/js/contentscripts/utils.js)
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.1 [jquery-migrate.min.js:2:702](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/jquery-migrate/dist/jquery-migrate.min.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///nextcloud/node_modules/@nextcloud/axios/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
OCA.Comments.View initialized [comments-app.js:32:8](webpack:///nextcloud/apps/comments/src/comments-app.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack://sualko/cloud_bbb/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
Proxying an event bus of version 3.0.2 with 1.3.0 [index.es.js:2337:14](webpack:///richdocuments/node_modules/@nextcloud/logger/node_modules/@nextcloud/event-bus/dist/index.es.js)
session heartbeat polling started [session-heartbeat.js:103:9](webpack:///nextcloud/core/src/session-heartbeat.js)
PostMessageService.sendPostMessage parent loading [postMessage.tsx:42:16](webpack:///richdocuments/src/services/postMessage.tsx)
Waiting for page to render… [document.js:235:12](webpack:///richdocuments/src/document.js)
PostMessageService.sendPostMessage parent loading [postMessage.tsx:42:16](webpack:///richdocuments/src/services/postMessage.tsx)
[getWopiUrl] https://madita.afs-engen.de/index.php/apps/richdocuments/wopi/files/16_ocw3b1rwp8et [url.js:42:9](webpack:///richdocuments/src/helpers/url.js)
[NoScript]:0 Prompt Hook installation https://office.afs-engen.de/browser/938b8e3/cool.html?WOPISrc=https%3A%2F%2Fmadita.afs-engen.de%2Findex.php%2Fapps%2Frichdocuments%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F16_ocw3b1rwp8et&title=About.odt&lang=de&closebutton=1&revisionhistory=1 [log.js:32:13](moz-extension://d247821d-3ad5-478e-9194-4dc4629f9bd8/nscl/common/log.js)
Content-Security-Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das Laden einer Ressource auf data: blockiert ("media-src"). [cool.html](https://office.afs-engen.de/browser/938b8e3/cool.html?WOPISrc=https%3A%2F%2Fmadita.afs-engen.de%2Findex.php%2Fapps%2Frichdocuments%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F16_ocw3b1rwp8et&title=About.odt&lang=de&closebutton=1&revisionhistory=1)
Diese Seite verwendet die nicht standardisierte Eigenschaft "zoom". Stattdessen sollte calc() in den entsprechenden Eigenschaftswerten oder "transform" zusammen mit "transform-origin: 0 0" verwendet werden. [cool.html:122:41](https://office.afs-engen.de/browser/938b8e3/cool.html?WOPISrc=https%3A%2F%2Fmadita.afs-engen.de%2Findex.php%2Fapps%2Frichdocuments%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F16_ocw3b1rwp8et&title=About.odt&lang=de&closebutton=1&revisionhistory=1)
Synchrone XMLHttpRequests am Haupt-Thread sollte nicht mehr verwendet werden, weil es nachteilige Effekte für das Erlebnis der Endbenutzer hat. Für weitere Hilfe siehe https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#sync-warning [bundle.js:9260:4](https://office.afs-engen.de/browser/938b8e3/bundle.js)
[NoScript]:0 Prompt Hook installation about:blank 2 [log.js:32:13](moz-extension://d247821d-3ad5-478e-9194-4dc4629f9bd8/nscl/common/log.js)
Content-Security-Policy: Die Einstellungen der Seite haben das Laden einer Ressource auf data: blockiert ("media-src"). 2 [blank](about:blank)
PostMessageService.sendPostMessage loolframe {"MessageId":"Host_PostmessageReady","SendTime":1695143050609,"Values":{}} [postMessage.tsx:42:16](webpack:///richdocuments/src/services/postMessage.tsx)
FAILED [Office.vue:212](webpack:///richdocuments/src/view/Office.vue)
loadingTimeout Office.vue:212
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 28, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": [], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
[document] editorInitListener: Received post message
Object { MessageId: "App_LoadingStatus", Values: {…} }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
You need to fill either the text or the ariaLabel props in the button component.
Object { text: undefined, ariaLabel: null }
Object { _uid: 63, _isVue: true, __v_skip: true, _scope: {…}, "$options": {…}, _renderProxy: {…}, _self: {…}, "$parent": {…}, "$root": {…}, "$children": (1) […], … }
Aber ich kann damit wenig anfangen…
Viele Grüße