# # Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd for Debian # # thomas@linuxmuster.net # 24.07.2015 # # The ddns-updates-style parameter controls whether or not the server will # attempt to do a DNS update when a lease is confirmed. We default to the # behavior of the version 2 packages ('none', since DHCP v2 didn't # have support for DDNS.) server-identifier server; update-static-leases true; # option definitions common to all supported networks... server-name "server.linuxmuster-net.lokal"; option domain-name "linuxmuster-net.lokal"; option domain-name-servers; option netbios-name-servers; option ntp-servers; option routers; option font-servers; option subnet-mask; option broadcast-address; use-host-decl-names on; #rembo default-lease-time 86400; max-lease-time 86400; # If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local # network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented. authoritative; # Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file (you also # have to hack syslog.conf to complete the redirection). log-facility local7; allow booting; allow bootp; # pxelinux options option vendor-encapsulated-options 09:0f:80:00:0c:4e:65:74:77:6f:72:6b:20:62:6f:6f:74:0a:07:00:50:72:6f:6d:70:74:06:01:02:08:03:80:00:00:47:04:80:00:00:00:ff; option space pxelinux; option pxelinux.magic code 208 = string; option pxelinux.configfile code 209 = string; option pxelinux.pathprefix code 210 = text; option pxelinux.reboottime code 211 = unsigned integer 32; site-option-space "pxelinux"; option pxelinux.magic f1:00:74:7e; if exists dhcp-parameter-request-list { # Always send the PXELINUX options (specified in hexadecimal) option dhcp-parameter-request-list = concat(option dhcp-parameter-request-list,d0,d1,d2,d3); } option configfile code 150 = string; # Define option 150 for the grub menu option grubmenu code 150 = text; option arch code 93 = unsigned integer 16; #RFC4578 # arch specific (pretty useless, need to tag filename on a per host basis) if option arch = 00:06 { filename "boot/grub/i386-efi/core.efi"; } else if option arch = 00:07 { filename "boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi"; } else { filename "boot/grub/i386-pc/core.0"; } next-server; ### linuxmuster - begin ### DON'T REMOVE THIS LINE ### # subnet for workstation import subnet netmask { range; max-lease-time 3600; default-lease-time 3600; option host-name "pxeclient"; } ### linuxmuster - end ### DON'T REMOVE THIS LINE ### group { # groessere lease time fuer feste ips default-lease-time 172800; max-lease-time 172800; # dynamically created stuff by import_workstations is included include "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.linuxmuster"; # put your custom stuff in this included file include "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf.custom"; }