Linbo: Partitionierung schlägt fehl

Wenn ich einen bereits vorher partitionierten Client umpartitionieren möchte, bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:
Ich glaube irgendwo gelesen zu haben, dass der Kernel die neue Partitionstabelle nicht einlesen konnte.
Was kann ich tun, damit er das kann?
Würgaround ist entweder darauf zu pfeifen, reboot und sync zu machen oder die Platte manuell zu leeren und dann zu partitionieren, dann ist aber eventuell Handarbeit incl. hinlaufen (ich brauche öfters einen Linbo-Bootstick).
Vielleicht hat jemand einen Tipp.

# LINBO start.conf, example for ubuntu
# operating system on partition 1
# cache on partition 2
# swap on partition 3
# data on partition 4

[LINBO]                             # global section
Server =                   # linbo server ip address
Group = ubuntu2004
# IMPORTANT: server and group will be automatically set during device import!
Cache = /dev/sda2                   # cache partition
RootTimeout = 600                   # logout from admin console after 600 secs
AutoPartition = no                  # no partition repair during LINBO startup
AutoFormat = no                     # no formatting of all partitions during LINBO startup
AutoInitCache = no                  # no initial cache setup during LINBO startup
DownloadType = torrent              # image download method (torrent|multicast|rsync)
GuiDisabled = no                    # disable gui <yes|no>
UseMinimalLayout = no               # gui layout style <yes|no>
Locale = de-de                      # gui locale <de-de|en-gb|fr-fr|es-es>
BackgroundColor = 394f5e            # hex code for gui background color
BackgroundFontColor = white         # font color of status section (default: white)
ConsoleFontColorStdout = lightgreen # console font color (default: white)
ConsoleFontColorStderr = orange     # console error font color (default: red)
SystemType = bios64                 # possible values: bios|bios64|efi32|efi64 (default: bios)
KernelOptions = quiet splash nomodeset dhcpretry=30

##pci=noats i915.alpha_support=1     # linbo kernel options, space separated
#KernelOptions = acpi=noirq irqpoll # linbo kernel options example for use with acpi problems
#KernelOptions = server=    # different pxe server ip, (needs device import to be activated)

[Partition]          # partition section (operating system)
Dev = /dev/sda1      # device name of the partition
Label = ubuntu       # partition label
Size = 40G           # partition size 30G, will use kiB if no unit (M, G or T) is set
Id = 83              # partition id (83 = linux)
FSType = ext4        # filesystem ext4
Bootable = yes       # set bootable flag yes

[Partition]          # partition section (cache)
Dev = /dev/sda2      # device name of the partition
Label = cache        # partition label
Size = 30G           # partition size 30G
Id = 83              # partition id (83 = linux)
FSType = ext4        # filesystem ext4
Bootable = yes       # set bootable flag yes

[Partition]          # partition section (swap)
Dev = /dev/sda3      # device name of the partition
Label = swap         # partition label
Size = 8G            # partition size 8G
Id = 82              # partition id (82 = swap)
FSType = swap        # filesystem swap
Bootable = no        # set bootable flag no

[Partition]          # partition section (cache)
Dev = /dev/sda4      # device name of the partition
Label = virtual        # partition label
Size =            # partition size 30G
Id = 83              # partition id (83 = linux)
FSType = ext4        # filesystem ext4
Bootable = yes       # set bootable flag yes

[OS]                          # os section
Name = Ubuntu                 # os name
Version =                     # version (not used)
Description = Ubuntu 20.04    # detailed description of os
IconName = ubuntu.svg         # icon filename in /srv/linbo/icons
Image =                       # filename of differential image (extension .rsync, optional)
BaseImage = ubuntu2004.cloop      # filename of main image (extension .cloop)
Boot = /dev/sda1              # boot partition (not used, identical with root partition)
Root = /dev/sda1              # root partition of the os
Kernel = boot/vmlinuz              # relative path to kernel
Initrd = boot/initrd.img           # relative path to initrd
Append = ro splash            # kernel append parameters
StartEnabled = yes            # show start button
SyncEnabled = yes             # show sync+start button
NewEnabled = yes              # show new+start button
Autostart = no                # automatic start of os (yes|no)
AutostartTimeout = 5          # timeout in secs for user to cancel automatic start
DefaultAction = sync          # default action on automatic start: start|sync|new
RestoreOpsiState = no         # restore opsi product state after sync (yes|no)
ForceOpsiSetup =              # comma separated list of opsi product ids, which are forced
                              # to setup after sync (e.g. mozilla.firefox,mozilla.thunderbird)
Hidden = yes                  # hide os tab (unused option, leave it at yes)

Hallo Max,

die Platte war vorher (wahrscheinlihc mit linbo von der 6.2) schon partitioniert gewesen?
Dann sind meist die Label das Problem.
Sagen wir du hattest Swap mit dem Label swap auf sda5 und jetzt auf sda3 … dann kann das zu Problemen führen.

Du hast 2 Möglichkeiten:

  1. Festplatte „leeren“: also alle Partitionen löschen und rebooten.
  2. die neue Partitionierung in der Reihenfolge der vorherigen anpassen.



jepp, so isses. Ich pass das an. Danke :slight_smile: